Slippery Asphalt Solution on Walkway - Private School Entrance
This private school in Harrogate required a slippery Asphalt solution for a very steep sloping Asphalt driveway down to the main school entrance. It had been reported that in wet conditions pupils were slipping on the smooth slippery Asphalt.
The Asphalt was first cleaned to remove all surface contamination weeds and lichen. A specially developed Asphalt primer was then applied by rollers and left to cure for 30 minutes. A flexible liquid resin was then applied on top of the primer in a mid grey colour and an anti-slip aggregate scattered into this. Finally a second coat of the resin was applied.Previous attempts to improve the slip resistance of the Asphalt had failed.
The Asphalt surface has now been upgraded and the slip resistance improved and slip Incidents have been eliminated